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JBoss - how to take thread dumps

Following are the different options in JBoss to take the thread dump.

1. Using JBoss jmx-console :  Got to http://localhost:8080/jmx-console and search for the mbean "serverInfo" and click on that link. Click the invoke mbean operation under listThreaddump() method. This will give you the current snapshot of threads which are running in your JBoss jvm.

2. By using twiddle :  In the commnad promt go to <JBOSS-HOME>/bin and run the command twiddle.bat invoke "jboss.system:type=ServerInfo" listThreadDump > threadDump.html and you could find the threadDump.html with the JBoss thread dump.

3. Using "Interrupt" signal : Use kill -3 <process-id> to generate thread dump. You will find the thread dumps in server logs.


  1. Java Thread Dump Analyzer,fastThread ,a universal tool that will parse and analyze thread dumps written in any language that runs on the JVM. It will convert your Java, Scala, Jython, JRuby thread dumps to useful information for root cause analysis (RCA).


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